Thursday, September 17, 2009

News September 17, 2009

Old Virginia Blog is running an illuminating post written by a college student on her experiences as a homeschooler.

How do you schedule your homeschooling day? Heart of the Matter (Online) explains her family's schedule.

Alasandra's Homeschool Blog is looking for nominations on the best homeschool blogs. Thanks to Get In, Hang In for pointing the way.

As We Walk writes, "Did you know there are about a gazillion ways to classify animals? Maybe you’re stuck in the old rut of mammal, reptile or bird; but we’re free enough around here to group them by color, size, sleeping and eating habits, location, and a myriad of other ways."


  1. Cool Blog! I'm excited to visit often to enhance our school experience!

    I was wondering, I signed up for the newsletter but do not see the full September Letter, and saw no indication as to whether my name actually went through. Could you please confirm this? Your letter was very informative and affirming, and I'm excited to see the rest of it.

  2. Hi Andrea M,

    Thanks for your note. The newsletter is set up in such a way that it has to be sent out manually. I'll double check and make sure that you are on the list.

    Just this morning, I have changed the set up process and after you sign up you will now be sent to a confirmation page.

    Don't hesitate to call me if you still have not received it: 248-302-1829.

